Feb 07, 2025  
College Catalog 2022-2023 
College Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid & Assistance

Important Financial Aid Deadlines

What is a priority date?

Financial Aid Priority Date: A priority date is a date that students are recommended to submit all required documents after completing FAFSA/WASFA for file review prioritization.

When is the priority date?

  • Summer quarter 2022: no priority date, first-come-first-serve
  • Fall quarter 2022: July 25, 2022
  • Winter quarter 2023: October 31, 2022
  • Spring quarter 2023: February 6, 2023

Can I complete my file after the priority date?

Students are encouraged to complete their file at any time within the academic year. Files completed after the published Financial Aid Priority Date will still be reviewed and/or process; however, the financial aid eligibility and/or status determination may be delayed.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

How to Apply for Financial Aid Webpage

Three steps to apply for Financial Aid:

  1. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) / Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA): Students must complete FAFSA or WASFA for the appropriate academic year, adding RTC (Federal school code: 014001). Once our department receives students’ processed FAFSA/WASFA, students will receive notifications about the next step via preferred email and may be required to submit additional documentation/information by the Financial Aid Priority Date.
  2. Admissions & Eligible Program Declaration: students must have current/active admission and declared a Financial Aid (Title IV) Approved Program pursuing at RTC to receive financial aid. Please contact RTC’s Academic & Career Advising for any questions you may have related to a program that you are interested in.
  3. ctcLink Student Portal To Do List: student must monitor statuses and maintain by submitting all necessary documents by the priority date. Students use their RTC student email or personal email on ctcLink account as preferred setting for communications.

Eligibility Requirements

All financial aid recipients must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a citizen of the United States or an eligible non-citizen
  • Have a high school diploma or high school equivalency
  • Have a valid Social Security Number (unless you are applying for the WA Dream Act Funding)
  • Not owe a repayment on a grant or be in default on a student loan
  • Have financial need as determined by the Federal need analysis
  • Be registered with Selective Service, if required
  • Be enrolled in an eligible program and enroll only for classes that are required for that program. If enrolled in a class that is not part of the program, financial aid will not count those credits when awarding aid.

Offer and Disbursements

The Renton Technical College Financial Aid Office processes the student’s financial aid file and determines eligibility for grants, work study, and loans based on the student’s enrollment level. 

  • Full-time: 12 credits or more
  • Three-quarter-time: 9-11 credits
  • Half-time: 6-8 credits
  • Less-than-half-time: 5 credits or less

Electronic Disbursement with BankMobile Disbursements

Renton Technical College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information.

To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.

Satisfactory Progress

Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Webpage

Per federal and state regulations, a student must maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in order to be eligible for financial aid. Renton Technical College (RTC) monitors the academic progress and timely program completion of all students receiving federal financial aid on a quarterly basis.

SAP is reviewed prior to awarding financial aid, even if a student did not receive financial aid in the past. If the evaluation indicates that a student has not met the minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements, a student may be offered financial aid on probation status.

Below are the three standards of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy that are reviewed at the end of each quarter:

  • Pace of Progression: Qualitative (completion-based) assessments
    • Students must successfully complete the enrollment level/credits standard each quarter indicated in the chart below. Two consecutive quarters (back to back) of Warning status will result in Suspension
    • Quarterly Pace of Progress Assignments Table:

Enrollment Level Standard

Enrollment Credits Standard

In Good Standing, if you successfully completed

Warning if completed

Suspended if you completed


12 or more credits

at least 12 credits

6-11 credits

Less than 6 credits


9-11 credits

at least 9 credits

5-8 credits

Less than 5 credits


6-8 credits

at least 6 credits

3-5 credits

Less than 3 credits

Less than half-time

1-5 credits

all credits per quarter

Not applicable

Less than 5 credits

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) - (performance-based)
    • Quarterly GPA will be evaluated when students have three consecutive quarters with GPA under 2.0.
    • Students may be placed on a warning or suspension status if their cumulative GPA is at risk of not reaching 2.0 or better by the end of their program.
  • Maximum-Time frame: Quantitative (time-based) assessments:
    • For quantitative assessments, RTC uses a five years full-time enrollment for Washington College Grant WCG), four years of full-time enrollment for College Bound Scholarship (CBS), and 150% of a declared program’s length to Federal Aid of maximum-time frame requirements. As part of early intervention, students may be asked to appeal for a max-time frame earlier if completing a declared program within the allowable timeline is a concern.
    • Generally, students reach their lifetime eligibility within 5 years of full-time enrollment for state aid and 6 years for federal aid. Therefore, students may be subject to exhausting their lifetime financial aid eligibility.
    • Students must maintain a minimum pace of progression of 67% (complete at least 2/3 of their attempted cumulative credits) in order to be eligible to receive federal aid.
    • All credits that apply toward a student’s current program are taken into consideration.  This includes transfer credits, pre-requisites, and below college-level credits.
    • Remedial courses will be included in both the qualitative and quantitative assessment of SAP
    • Basic studies, transitional courses, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and up to 45 credits of remedial coursework will be excluded from the maximum timeframe calculation.
    • All program credits, including transfer and remedial credits, will be taken into consideration whether or not aid was received. Grades F-Failed, I-Incomplete, U-Unsatisfactory, V-Vanished, W-Withdrawal, Y-In Progress, N-audit, and R-Repeat will count as attempted credits.

Changing Program of Study

  • For SAP purposes, a program change is defined when a student begins pursuing a new program of study without completing their first program.
  • The attempted credits from your prior program that apply to your new program will be counted toward the maximum time limit of your new program.
  • Students will be at risk of not completing their new program within the maximum time frame and may exhaust their lifetime funding eligibility when changing programs.
  • Students may not receive aid if they are mathematically or reasonably unable to complete their program in a timely manner.

Repeat Coursework

  • For SAP purposes, a failed course is defined as any grade earned an “F”
  • Students may receive financial aid for repeated failed courses, as long as they are within the maximum time frame for their program and have not reached their lifetime eligibility for funding.
  • Students may repeat courses only once when a GPA of 3.5 or below was earned.
  • Repeated courses are counted as attempted credits, however, only passed courses may apply toward your program completion.

Financial Aid Warning Status

  • Students who fail to satisfy the quarterly Satisfactory Academic Progress requirement will be placed on a warning status (see the table on the previous page).
  • Students are eligible to receive aid for their next attended quarter while on warning status. However, they are required to complete that quarter in-good standing in order to maintain financial aid eligibility.
  • Two consecutive quarters (back-to-back) of warnings will result in financial aid suspension status.
  • A student who did not receive aid in the past and did not meet SAP standards may be on a warning status their first quarter.

Financial Aid Suspension Status

  • Students who fail to satisfy the quarterly Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements will be placed on suspension status (see the table on the previous page).
  • Students may be subject to suspension if they are mathematically and reasonably unable to complete their program.
  • Students on suspension are not eligible to receive financial aid funding unless their status changes through the appeal process or self-reinstatement.

Financial Aid Probation Status

  • Students will be placed on a probation status for their first quarter after their appeal was approved and their aid reinstated.
  • Students who are on a probation status and fail to follow specific approval conditions and/or didn’t complete the quarter in good standing may be placed on suspension status.

Financial Aid Appeal and Reinstatement

  • Students have the right to appeal and explain their extenuating circumstances/hardships that resulted in them losing their financial aid due to not meeting SAP.
  • Students may self-reinstate their financial eligibility by paying out pocket or using a non-financial aid funding source and completing at least 5 credits in good standing if pace of progression is met.
  • Students with an approved appeal or who have self-reinstated their financial aid eligibility may not receive funding while in a repayment and/or loan default status.

RTC will adopt any COVID related SAP accommodation/process as guided by state & federal regulations.


Grants Webpage

Grants are considered gift aid and do not require repayment unless a student fails to maintain satisfactory progress or have completely withdrawn from all their classes before completing more than 60% of the period of enrollment.  RTC participates in the following grant types:

Federal Pell Grant

Pell grants are available to eligible students who are enrolled in an approved program. Grants range from $191 to $5645 for an academic year depending on eligibility. Payments are made at the beginning of each quarter if a student has maintained satisfactory academic progress.

Washington State Need Grant

State Need Grant funds are available to eligible Washington residents enrolled in an approved program. Grants range from $154 - $3696 for an academic year,  depending on eligibility and availability of funds. Payments are made at the beginning of each quarter if a student has maintained satisfactory academic progress.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunities Grant

FSEOG funds are available to eligible students enrolled in an eligible program. Grants range from $100 to $1200 depending on eligibility and availability of funds. Payments are made at the beginning of each quarter if a student has maintained satisfactory academic progress.


Loans Webpage

William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

Federal Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. The lender is the US Department of Education rather than a bank or other financial institution. Repayment begins six months after completion or withdrawal from school. There are three types of loans available under this program:

  • Direct Subsidized Loans are need-based. A student’s eligibility to borrow is based on financial need as determined by the federal government which pays interest on the loan while the student is in school.
  • Direct Unsubsidized Loans do not require a student to show financial need; however the cost of the student’s education must exceed any other financial aid offered. The student, not the federal government, is responsible to pay all the interest that accrues on this loan.
  • Direct PLUS Loans are loans a parent takes out in order to pay for their child’s educational expenses. Contact the Financial Aid Office if you are interested in applying for a PLUS loan.


Foundation Scholarships Webpage

Scholarships exist so that students can pay their tuition and school expenses as they pursue their career and education goals. Through the Foundation, Renton Technical College has over 50 scholarships and endowments and a variety of outside funding sources available to qualified students.

Click here to apply for a Renton Technical College Foundation Scholarship.

Work Study Programs

Work Study Webpage

Work Study programs provide part-time employment to eligible students, on and off campus. The maximum a student can earn is determined by financial need and funds available. Students can work up to 19 hours per week while school is in session. Every effort is made to place students in jobs which relate to their training. Renton Technical College participates in both the federal and state work study programs.

Veterans Programs

Veterans Programs Webpage

Most of the training programs at Renton Technical College which offer a Certificate of Completion or an Associate of Applied Science degree are approved for benefits under the following Veterans Administration regulations:

  • Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation)
  • 30 (Montgomery Bill)
  • 32 (VEAP)
  • 35 (Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance)
  • 1606 (Reserves) of Title 38, U.S. Code.
  • 33 (Post 9/11)
  • VRAP

Students who plan to use their veteran’s benefits are required to contact Veteran Services lead Julie Darrah-Cappelli at 425-235-6570.

A determination of eligibility by the Veterans Administration and the receipt of your first month’s benefits can take 4 to 6 weeks, so it’s a good idea to apply well in advance of your anticipated start date if you plan to use your benefits to pay for initial tuition costs.

Veterans who have not previously used their benefits must complete Form 22-1990 and submit a certified copy of their DD - 214 and eligibility letter.

Veterans who have used their educational benefits at a prior college must submit an academic transcript for evaluation of credits. All veterans are required to keep the Veterans’ Specialist apprised of enrollment plans each quarter and are expected to conform to the attendance and academic standards of the satisfactory progress policy to remain eligible for benefits.

Addendum: Title 38 US Code 3679

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA.

This school will not:

· Prevent the student’s enrollment;

· Assess a late penalty fee to;

· Require student secure alternative or additional funding;

· Deny their access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

· Produce the Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class;

· Provide written request to be certified;

· Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies

Agency Funded Students

Agency Funded Webpage

The Financial Aid Office acts as the liaison between students and the various public and private agencies who offer funding, including:

  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
  • Department of Labor and Industries (L&I)
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
  • Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)
  • Employment Security Department
  • Private Insurance

For questions regarding outside funding plans, please contact Veteran Services at veterans@rtc.edu.

Workforce Education Funding

Workforce Education Funding Opportunities Webpage

Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET)

BFET Webpage

The Basic Food Employment and Training program (BFET) provides access to training and career services to food assistance (SNAP) recipients who are not participating in the TANF program. An RTC counselor will determine your eligibility.

For more information, call the Student Success Center at (425) 235-5840, or contact the counselors below:

Faye Melton
Worker Retraining and BFET Counselor

Bilal Abdallah
Worker Retraining and BFET Counselor

Opportunity Grant

Opportunity Grant Webpage

Students eligible for the Opportunity Grant may receive funds to cover 45 credits of tuition/mandatory fees and up to $1,000 for books and supplies. Support services such as tutoring, college success workshops, emergency childcare, and emergency transportation are also part of the Opportunity Grant program. Due to limited availability of funds, submitting an application does not guarantee that you will receive an award. Student must be enrolled in an Opportunity Grant eligible program.

To apply or for additional information, please contact Kathy Tessier, Opportunity Grant case manager at 425-235-2352 ext. 5720.


WorkFirst Webpage

Tuition assistance is available for Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) recipients and working parents who meet income guidelines. You may be eligible if you are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), working for pay, and your Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) includes training; or you are working for pay, low-income, a custodial or non-custodial parent financially responsible for a child, and not receiving any other form of financial aid. An RTC counselor will determine your eligibility.

For more information, call the Student Success Center at (425) 235-5840.

Worker Retraining

Worker Retraining Webpage

 The Worker Retraining (WRT) program plays a major role in Washington state’s economic development by providing funding for eligible dislocated and unemployed workers in training or retraining that will assist them in regaining employment. Funds are awarded to Washington state’s community and technical colleges each year to serve eligible students in this program

For an appointment or to sign up for the Worker Retraining Information, please call (425) 235-5840 or visit Start Next Quarter or visit the Student Success Center in Building I at Renton Technical College.

Financial Aid Refund and Repayment Policy

Return of Title IV Funds

Students who receive Title IV aid (Federal Pell, Federal SEOG, Federal Direct Subsidized and/or Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford loans and Direct Parent PLUS loans) and withdraw from school are subject to the Return of Title IV aid regulations. Federal law requires that a student must earn the aid they receive. When a student withdraws, drops out or otherwise fails to complete more than 60% of the term for which they received federal funds, the school is required to determine the amount earned using the Return of Title IV aid regulations.

If a student completes more than 60% of the term, it is determined that all financial aid has been earned. If a student completes 60% or less of the term, the earned and unearned portion will be calculated.

The unearned portion of tuition will be returned by the college to the appropriate Title IV program. The college will then bill the student for the amount of tuition that was returned in excess of the college’s refund policy.

Notice: Renton Technical College does not and will not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollment or financial aid to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting or admissions activities or in making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.