Certificate of Completion: 80 credits
Enrollment Point: Fall, Winter or Spring Quarter; or with instructor permission
In the Automotive Technology Certificate of Completion program, students are prepared for the challenges of working on today’s sophisticated and complex automobiles. Students learn all aspects of automotive repair and are provided with hands-on training in real-world shop environments using modern state of the art technologically advanced equipment and facilities. Students graduate with an ASE Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling Certificate. Students are provided the opportunity for ASE certification in Engine Repair, Automatic Transmission/Transaxle, Manual Drive Train, Suspension and Steering, Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Heating and Air Conditioning, Engine Performance, and Advanced Engine Diagnostics. By combining mechanical, electronic, math, communication and problem-solving skills with hands-on training, students develop a solid foundation to ensure their success in the automotive field.
Program Learning Outcomes:
- Diagnose and repair of vehicles to NATEF certification standards.
- Use technical service materials, printed or online, to analyze and determine proper repair procedures for vehicles of different brands.
- Perform repairs using the proper tools and diagnostic equipment as per manufacturer’s specifications.
- Troubleshoot vehicle systems using logical, traceable steps that lead to identification of the root cause of malfunction.
- Apply mathematical skills essential to the requirements of the automotive service industry.
- Communicate effectively in oral or written form within the environment of a commercial repair shop.
- Model professional and ethical behavior, and practice good customer communication skills essential to the requirements of the work place.